We have our very own ceilidh band called Broken Biscuits. If you would like to join the band, practices happen on Tuesday between 7 and 9pm at the Multifaith Chaplaincy. Anyone and any instruments are welcome to attend. All tunes are taught and you can join at literally any point in the year! Feel free get in touch (folkclub@bristolfolksoc.com) for more details. Each week we run through some tunes, mess around with them a bit to get them sounding cool and also eat some biscuits (a highly important part of the band).

The band sessions are very relaxed and the aim is to have fun! We aim to play tunes for ceilidhs, but you are more than welcome to show up even if you don’t want to perform, and just want to have a jam with other musical folks. We’re a friendly bunch, so please do come along!
Band Tunebooks
We produce a new tunebook each year, and that tunebooks acts as our repertoire for ceilidhs and performances. Download each of them below:
Book us to play for you! We can play for ceilidhs, but also for any other event which requires some folky flavour. To find out more, contact us at folkclub@bristolfolksoc.com.
This year we hope to do some busking, which is a great opportunity feel involved as part of the city, entertain some locals and perhaps even raise a pound or two for the society! It’s a fun and low pressure way to get used to performing. Here’s a cool video of us playing on the SS Great Britain in June 2021 – something we hope we will get to do again.
During the lockdown, of course we couldn’t meet up to play together. To remedy the situation, on top of having zoom band sessions, we decided to put together an EP of our favourite tunes! Each set was arranged by one of our own lovely members, and tracks were recorded by players in their homes far flung across the UK and beyond. We’re very proud of it – give it a listen!